Sunday, November 17, 2019

B.Y.O.J. (Bring Your Own Joy)

"Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones." 
~ Mike Dooley

Free will is a unique defining element of the human experience.

A trick of the psyche is that we have no control over most of our outcomes. Facts speak to the contrary. Though we may not always like our options, nevertheless, options always exist.

As life takes its normal twists and turns that translate into things not going our way, we can be quick to lean away from the empowerment of choice into the complacency of blame.

The big wheel of life takes its natural course and circumstances can be introduced out of nowhere and sometimes, things can and do just happen. Yet, because most experiences begin and end with our pattern of thinking, we are often just one decision away from the distraction that threatens to spiral our lives off kilter. 

Truth is, the mind is not the leader it is the follower.

We determine how we think and how we process our experiences. Accepting responsibility for what we invite as a disruption to our own happiness is a challenge we must commit to overcoming. 

Our choices predicate our consequences.

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." ~ Willie Nelson

As each chapter of life unfolds sometimes gracefully, sometimes not so, we must connect the vision of our outlook to what we are co-creating by way of our thinking. Each experience, joyful or otherwise, depends on the way in which we focus our thought energy upon it. 

Intention set upon a glass half empty ideology directs every experience from the perception of impossibility. Whereas, maintaining a glass half full philosophy, leads us to the places where possibility lives.

Our joy in life is born of our thinking. 

Just like a B.Y.O.B. event, in the party of life, you must B.Y.O.J. 

Do you feel empowered by your freedom to choose?
Are you owning the outcomes of your current patterns of thinking?
Can you decide to bring your own joy to your life?
"Loving myself and thinking joyful thoughts is the way to create a wonderful life." ~ Louise Hay

Available on Amazon!
Unfolding With Joy
Recover Yourself

Available on Amazon!
The BreakUp Call
Learn To Be Your Own Bae

Join the journey and experience the joy of unfolding!
Reawaken to Joy!