Saturday, February 24, 2018

Assessing Our Circle

"The tribe often thinks the visionary has turned his back on them. When, in fact, the visionary has turned his face to the future." ~ Ray A. Davis

The old adage, "birds of a feather," holds true. You will become your tribe.

I encourage my students to be aware of their closest circle of friends. As we tend to gravitate toward individuals who are most like us, walking in awareness and knowing who and what your circle is manifesting is imperative. 

We are life long learners and our greatest subject of study is ourselves. When we take a mindful look at our current circle of association, we can get a snapshot of who we are, how we are operating, and what we are creating in our daily lives.

Understand that I am not speaking of group think and all the trappings it can hold. 

There should be supportive members of your inner circle who confront and challenge you to grow into your better to best self. 

Your circle should always be forward moving in directions that are elevating and positive. They should not be fearful of confronting you when they believe you have taken a wrong turn or given energy to a purpose that is not in service to your higher being or the good of the Universe at large.

Your closest associations should be desirous of your wholeness and be willing to support you in getting there as best they are able. 

My tribe members know my energy well and I can rely upon them to pinch me into awakenings I may be avoiding or ignoring. And I do my best to offer the same love and support to them.

Be mindful of your closest associations and be honest about all you are manifesting.

What is the current status of your circle?
Is it time to rethink your associations and form new alliances?
Is your circle supporting your higher functioning and forward movement?

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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Owning Our Internal Mantras

"Whatever you're doing, do that with total awareness." 
~ Tony Samara

Our outer environment exists in direct correlation with our inner stasis.

We exist in the world, but our essence and inspiration toward creation is not of this world and we must be mindful of what we are incubating and birthing.

With all the chaos and disorder floating amongst us these days, attention on the functioning of the inner life is the most powerful tool in the mindfulness arsenal. 

No matter the work we do, our sacred calling is to heal and be healed. Each of us has the power to project positive change and healing into the environment. 

"No one guides the tone of my life, except me." ~ Shannon L. Alder

The sea of chatter within visits the shore of every experience and messages incoming require constant unpacking, organizing, and purging. The method for accomplishing this task in a consistent way determines the level of growth versus stagnation created in our world. 

No one has a perfect existence, though there is always opportunity to experience extraordinary moments of meaningful bliss worthy of repeating.

Transformation occurs from the inside out and as we allow the kundalini clean up of our inner thought life we commit to a state of upward spiral evolution. We are in constant co-creation with the Universal mind.

Our thoughts become our eventual reality.

In what ways has your inner stasis been manifesting in your outer environment?
As you focus on your internal mantras are you listening for life?
What thoughts need to be purged from your inner knowing?

"Please Universe, help me
 help myself 
and help me show others
 how to help themselves."
~ Kamand Kojouri

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Recover Yourself

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Saturday, February 3, 2018

Concerning Assumptions

"Just the facts, ma'am. Just the facts." ~ Joe Friday

Facts are different from assumptions. It is so easy to get caught up in what we want to believe versus what is really true. 

Facts keep us awakened to truth even when difficult to hear or to accept. 

The current trend in human interaction is a passive one. We lead busy distracted lives that keep us moving quickly past the next thing after thing, with very little attention to details that matter.

Assumptions breed misunderstandings that can spiral out of control. It can be disheartening to deal with the disappointing fall out of what we choose to believe based upon what we assume to think we hear or understand.

While assumptions have the potential to dream weave in round about ways with half facts, mindful observance and active listening keep us awakened to realities we can build our lives upon.

"Ask if you need to, but don't assume. Sometimes our bad feelings are only assumptions and speculations doing dark dances in our heads." ~ Bonnie Lyn Smith

As passive listeners, we can miss the verbal and physical communication cues adding layers to conversations that make messages crystal clear. Sometimes we want to hear yes so much so, we ignore the no hidden within. 

"You must never assume that what people say or do in a particular moment is a statement of their permanent desires." ~ Robert Greene

Assumptions cloud our responses and make us vulnerable to building houses made of cards on sandy foundations. It takes courage to listen for painful truths, but the pain of a crumbling dream house built on shaky ground is far worse.

A half truth is still a whole lie.

Learn to engage and actively listen for the facts. Seek clarity and embrace facts as a bottom line and be encouraged by the peace and freedom that truth provides. 

Assume nothing. 

Are your personal interactions driven by facts or assumptions?
How has making assumptions created challenges in your decision making?
Do you have the courage to listen for the facts?

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