Saturday, January 27, 2018

New Wine

"You better pay attention, build your comprehension." 
~ Godspell

Confronting difficult circumstances can find us reacting instead of responding to the 
consequences of our decision making. 

Too often we choose resistance to inner unctions and insulate ourselves from our most power-filled opportunities for transformation. Turning away from pain-filled truths keeps us trapped in the futile employment of failed tactics while expecting different results.

This is a challenging space to exist within when our choices repeatedly result in negative outcomes. 

It makes little sense to climb an apple tree seeking pears, yet this is what we are doing when we look for answers outside ourselves. 

To discover the answers that can break our cycles of self-generated insanity takes courage. We must explore what's happening on the inside.

"And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins." ~ Mark 2:22

Most of the time we prove to be our own poison, making vain attempts at pouring new wine into old skins only to invite spoil. Our temples must be cleared in preparation for new offerings, renewed thinking, and revival of purpose.

The most valuable knowledge we can attain is the wisdom of self and our inner functioning.

These are the only truths that will liberate us, making us freer and wiser in pursuit of the keys to the kingdom of an ever increasing abundance of peace and joy.

Liberate yourself from old patterns. 

Check your wine skins.

Do you have the courage to face the pain-filled truths in your old patterns?
Are you resisting the consequences of your decisions?
Have you checked the condition of your wineskins? 

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"Recover Yourself"

Join the journey and experience the joy of unfolding!

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